12 Month Photo Challenge – January

12 month photo challenge - The Monday Creative

I decided to take on the task of a 12 month photo challenge this year. In the months where I don’t pull out my camera much it is a good way to get myself motivated. I have missed the aspect of really planning out a photo, not a whole shoot but just one photo after being given a word or phrase.

January’s prompt is messy hair and I took this pretty literal since I always have messy hair. Self-portraits is something I did a lot while in photography school…you don’t have to try and find a model and a time that works for you both and everything else that is involved, it can just be easier sometimes. I realized taking this photo that I kind of missed that simplicity of just sitting in front of the camera yourself.

I went for a super minimalistic look for this photo and chose black and white because it just seemed to fit with that idea.

12 month photo challenge

This idea of the photo challenge isn’t to take the best photo ever but just simply to take a photo. It is a way to shoot something for yourself but also to be shooting with a plan instead of going out and taking a bunch of pictures you may never look at never mind edit. Be sure to share your photos with me if you follow along with this photo challenge themondaycreative@gmail.com

12 month photo challenge

The Monday Creative

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