12 Month Photo Challenge – March

12 Month Photo Challenge - The Monday Creative

We are back with round three of the 12 month photo challenge. March’s prompt is mornings.

I struggled a bit with this photo because I had these visions of pretty morning light coming through the widow and other such things. Lets just say things didn’t go as planned. I ended up scrapping what I had and starting over. When I thought of mornings I thought of my favourite way to start the day which took me back to a morning on the island last year. It was one of those perfect starts to the day, the weather was gorgeous, I had a hot cup tea and an amazing view of the ocean.

So this picture represents that…though we have to pretend that the view I am looking at out the window is the ocean because the reality isn’t quite so nice.

12 Month Photo Challenge - the Monday Creative

I took this photo in 15 minutes while waiting for my breakfast to cook. That kind of represents the 12 month photo challenge for me. I didn’t spend hours trying to create a masterpiece and no, it is definitely not the most amazing photo out there but that wasn’t the point of the photo challenge. The idea was to just simply pick up the camera and to take a picture that at least had some direction. To spend a few minutes with a camera in hand and get a little practice in.

12 month photo challenge

The Monday Creative


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