12 Month Photo Challenge – May

12 Month Photo Challenge - The Monday Creative

Okay so I might have cheated a little (or more than a little) with this photo. Without having a reason to post (aka only a half made website) I have kind of let the photo challenge get away from me so there is no real meaning or thought behind this photo.

May’s prompt was black and white so I decided the easiest thing to do at this time was to take that literally and turn a photo black and white. This image was taken on one of the last hike’s Melody and I did. We haven’t had a ton of time for hiking this year and we are both missing it. I guess you could say our love for hiking is black and white….okay no that is pushing it a bit….lets just stick with this is a black and white image.

Without further ado May’s photo…12 Month Photo Challenge- The Monday Creative

Be sure to share your photos with me if you are following along with the challenge!

12 month photo challenge

The Monday Creative