5 More Ways To Be Inspired

ways to be inspired - The Monday Creative

I thought I would follow up with my last post of ways to find some creativity and add five more things to the list…

  1. Folder of inspiration

I mentioned in my last post like this about being inspired by others so this is just taking that a step further. Create a folder of all the things that inspire you whether that is a Pinterest board, a folder on your computer or a physical folder of printed out images, quotes and other such things. Anytime you are at a loss for ideas you can pull it out and use it to find some motivation!

  • Make a list

I love lists; it is just so satisfying to check things off as you finish them. I make a list most days and, aside from the fun of checking the to do off, you might wonder what making a list has to do with creativity and inspiration but I find it keeps me going when I am not sure what to do. Sometimes I sit down at my desk and I have no idea where to start and a list usually helps me get started. 

  • Clean your area

Okay so I should probably start this by staying I may be a little on the OCD side but I like a clean space. When I have too much stuff around I can’t focus at all. If I find myself thinking more about the mess than what I am trying to work on I will usually try to do a quick tidy and put away what I can and it always helps me focus. Plus who doesn’t love to sit down to work at a beautifully clean desk.

  • Work with a friend

This is one of my favourite things especially when I feel like I’ve been staring at a screen for days and just need to get out. Sometimes we all just need someone to bounce ideas off of or give us a little encouragement so grab a friend and get to work!

  • Finish something 

This one might sound a bit random but I think this can go for a lot of creatives that we tend to have a million ideas and those ideas get started but they don’t always get completed. I think I have about six half finished paintings in one sketchbook alone never mind all the other half finished projects I have around. So it could be as simple as a sketch you never finished, some photos you took but never edited, a poem you never finished, choose something and finish it.

The Monday Creative

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