A New Start

A New Start - The Monday Creative

I feel weirdly like I am breaking a silence or something writing this post. Though this isn’t the first time I have gone a while without blogging, this time it was very much unintentional…or maybe forced is a better word. Either way it wasn’t planned.

It has been an interesting few months. Not exactly the best of months topped off with my website being hacked. This isn’t exactly an uncommon problem in the world of websites but when you don’t know how to find the files that need to be deleted, or can afford to pay someone to find those files for you…lets just say it is not the kind of problem you want to run in to. When my website was shut down my immediate reaction (after having a good cry of course) was to figure out how to get it back up exactly how it was as fast as possible. I just wanted all my blog posts and last few years of work back. Even though I am sad that all those memories are gone, once I got past the initial frustration/anger/every other emotion, I realized that I had the perfect opportunity to start fresh.

The Monday Creative

So here we are, maybe not on Kristie Jean, maybe (hopefully) with a slightly different vibe going on (okay so originally I was using a different theme and then that theme stopped working so now I’m back to the old one so it probably looks exactly the same but hey…), but underneath it all it is still me. The website is still a work in progress, I am trying to get old content up, plan out new content and piece the site together so bear with me while I figure it all out. Even though not everything is as together as I had hoped it would be (the joys of working while trying to build a website) I am still happy to have my little piece of the internet back.

So…welcome to The Monday Creative!

The Monday Creative is for the artist…any artist. It is a place to come to be inspired and motived. It is a place to maybe learn something new, or to remind yourself why you decided it was a good idea to be an artist in the first place.

So who is The Monday Creative? The Monday Creative is a person who, even on the most hated day of the week when they are tired and grumpy, are planning their next painting, writing their next book, dreaming about what they can create next. Simply put, The Monday Creative is a person who loves to create, not because they are the best at whatever it is they do but just for the simple joy of creating something.

So I hope you will join me on this new(ish) adventure, maybe we will learn a few new things together.The Monday Creative

P.S. For those of you who liked to comment, I am struggling to get the comment section to work so I apologize for that. Feel free to email me or send me a message on social media in the meantime 🙂