Making wrapping paper has become one of my favourite things to do. Not only is it easier than going out and buying gift bags or wrapping everyone’s presents in the same paper because a roll lasts FOREVER, you can create wrapping paper that is specific for each person.
With that being said I thought I would share a few of my simple DIY wrapping paper ideas…
The Paint Paper
- Brown Paper
- Acrylic Paint
- Palette Knife
So this one is where the DIY wrapping paper got started. I’m not sure what brought it on but I needed to wrap a present and decided to just pull out the paints and make my own wrapping paper. This one is super quick and easy to do, just pick your colours and use the palette knife to create streaks of paint all over the paper. The longest part of this wrapping paper is waiting for it to dry (I usually get impatient and pull out the hair dryer).
The Confetti Paper
- White Paper
- Construction paper
- Cellophane
- Hole punch
This has become my new favourite DIY wrapping paper. I create the confetti out of coloured construction paper and my three-hole punch. Creating the confetti is the most time consuming part but is so worth it. I wrap the gift in the white paper first and then lay down the cellophane and place the confetti in the center. I put the gift on top of the confetti and finish wrapping.
Sharpie Paper
- Brown Paper
- Sharpie
This one is probably the simplest, quickest and perfect for those who don’t have paint and other are supplies at the ready. In other words if you have a sharpie, some paper and little time, you can do this. A little tip for this one is it to write from corner to corner so that when you wrap your gift the words don’t just go straight across. Also, your writing definitely does not have to be perfect, mine sure isn’t, I tend to do it a fast as possible which means it has a bit of a messy look to it.
1.You know the saying less is more…well that doesn’t apply to this. I learned that when you think you have enough streaks of paint it always looks like less once you’ve wrapped a present so I tend to go a little more crowded than I think I need to.
2. When using paint keep the paint as thin as possible to help it dry faster.
3. I buy the big rolls of brown or white packing paper so I am not searching for a big enough sheet of paper every time I need it.
4. Have fun with finishing touches! I keep it simple hemp cord and ribbon for the most part but as you can see for the sharpie paper I used letter beads for the name.
Hope you have fun creating your own wrapping paper and be sure to send me pictures of what you come up with!