Have you ever been near Buckingham Palace during the changing of the guards?? Lets just say it is a little insane. I didn’t know what time the changing of the guards happened when I set out for my walk to Waterloo station and I got caught up in the crazy crowd of people.
I managed to shove my way through, and got to Waterloo station in perfect time for my train. And yes, I may have walked for an hour through London dragging my suitcase behind to get to that train station but I really just wanted to see the sights one more time before I left the city. I was pretty proud of myself for A) finding the station B) buying my ticket and C) getting through the ticket gate and on the train… only to find out that I was sitting at the wrong end of the train and that I was supposed to be at the front because the train divides some point along the way. So I quickly grabbed my stuff and moved, and then started questioning what was considered the front and what was considered the back. Thankfully I survived the train ride and made it to Tisbury no problem.

After a day and a half in London, Tisbury is a nice breathe of fresh air…literally and figuratively. It was like doing a complete 180 from the city to the country and I think it is safe to say that I am a little more partial to the country. You can’t beat wide-open spaces, and not worrying about getting run over by a car. Well maybe that last part is stretching it a bit, though you are a lot safer when it comes to walking across the street, the roads are so narrow that there isn’t really room for two cars to pass so instead out here in the country you get to worry about getting smushed by an oncoming vehicle while driving…
I didn’t take any photos today as more than half of it was spent walking to the train and actually on the train so instead I will leave you with a couple photos from my latest hotel room. It is a B&B in Salisbury, just a short drive from Tisbury. I can’t wait to see it in the daylight because what little I could see in the dark looked kind of amazing!

Tomorrow is the wedding reception I am here to take photos of and hopefully an opportunity to take a few photos of the beautiful English countryside!
Check out day 1 in England here
Check out day 3 in England here