England Day 5 – Brighton

Brighton, England - The Monday Creative

*It would seem that my day 5 in England post is gone for good. For some reason it must not have exported from the old website with the rest so I am going on my rusty memory for this post.

Day 5 was my last full day in England and my only full day in Brighton. I stayed in a B&B called Motel Schmotel, and it was pretty awesome. Their rooms are done up really nice and their breakfast is SO YUMMY! I was only a few blocks from the seaside so I was able to just walk down in the morning after walking to the grocery store to get my food for the day.

I went for a ride on the British Airways i360 viewing tower, which gives you pretty awesome view of Brighton, wandered down the pier and wandered through the streets checking out all the little shops.

It was a relaxing way to finish off the trip before the chaos of travelling home…

(click on the images below to see them full size)

Check out day 4 in England here

Check out the journey home here

The Monday Creative

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