Friday Five

Friday Five - The Monday Creative

Here we go with another random Friday Five…

  1. As I mentioned in a post last week I have new work up on Etsy! It is a slow process but I am getting everything up little by little and there is definitely more to come (especially the mugs, there are more in the making so they will hopefully be up soon). Be sure to watch my Instagram and Facebook to find out when something new goes up!

2. I got the catalyst wedge kind of on a whim a few months ago. I have seen other artist use it and I love the look it gives. I definitely still need to practice with it but I recommended to anyone who likes to paint with acrylic paints!

Friday Five - The Monday Creative

3. The Beefy Tomato Soup from The Sassy Barn has quickly become a go to soup to make. It is super quick and easy and tastes delicious. Do check out the recipe on her blog!

Friday Five - The Monday Creative

4. I just found out that the marathon I have been planning on running has been “retired”. It was cancelled last year with everything going on and I was supposed to run it this next year but since that won’t be happening I am on a search for a new race. Do any of you have any suggestions for marathons to run, preferably in BC since who knows when travelling will become a thing again? The good news though is that it looks like the 30km I am signed up for is still going ahead…at least for the moment!

5.  Because we can all use a little laugh every now and again…

Friday five - The Monday creative

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

The Monday Creative

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