Goodbye 2021

Goodbye 2021 - The Monday Creative

Well we survived another year. 

The first thought that came to mind when I started writing this post is that absolutely nothing happened this past year and I have nothing to talk about. This is only half true. I think all the months have blurred together so that I can’t remember what happened when so also there were no big adventures there was still a lot of little moments.

So all in all it wasn’t a bad year for me, I moved in to my little attic, got a cat, and a beautiful new bike (that I can NOT wait to use again in the spring), just to name a few.

Also in writing with post I realized I need to do WAY better at documenting things. I am not sure at what point I stopped pulling my camera out but I don’t have many pictures of the year. Here are a few photos (mostly off my phone) that I did get…

These days though, looking back doesn’t seem all that appealing, so instead of reminiscing on the past year I thought I would look forward. 

It is hard to believe that it has been nearly two years since I have run a half marathon. I have been missing running so number one on the list of things to do this year is to run a race. I would like to build back up to running a full marathon but I think that might be off the table for the moment since it has been a while. In the meantime I am signed up for the Whistler half marathon so training for that starts next week!

I was lucky enough to get a Cricut, which is a smart cutting machine for those who don’t know. With the shortest explanation possible, you create your designs on the computer and it will cut them out for you. I have tested it out a couple of times and I am really excited to get making things with it. So coming up with new fun things for the Etsy shop using the Cricut is also on the list of things to do.

So I guess those are my two main goals for the year, here is to hoping 2022 is a good year for everyone!

The Monday Creative

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