Lets Talk About Podcasts…

Podcasts - The Monday Creative

Lets talk about podcasts for a minute…

I was never much in to podcasts until the other week; I went for a walk and didn’t feel like listening to music but still wanted to have something playing in my headphones and now I am hooked. I find it’s a bit like watching a YouTube video except you aren’t distracted by the screen in front of you. They are great for keeping you motivated while you are trying to get some work done!

Here are a few I have come across and have enjoyed…

The Health Code Daily

The Health Code Daily is the reason I got in to listening to podcasts in the first place. It is by far my favourite. The episodes average maybe 5 minutes each which means they are the perfect thing for when you are waking up in the morning…you know, those few minutes that you probably should be getting ready for work but just want to stay cozy in bed… 

Sarah and Kurt have a pretty great sense of humour and I find myself smiling like an idiot while listening to them. Every day of the week is a different theme from “motivational Monday” to “workout Wednesday” and includes all their tips and tricks. I have watched every episode and they are all great!

At Home With…

At Home With is hosted by two blogger/YouTubers Lily and Anna. It is a super chatty one; it’s like listening to two friends catch up in a way. It is a lifestyle podcast with topics ranging from products they are loving, being a mom, to working from home and literally anything else. 

The Chase Jarvis LIVE Show

I had actually forgotten about the Chase Jarvis show until I was looking up podcasts. Chase Jarvis is the CEO of Creative Live (highly recommend), as well as a photographer. I used to watch his videos on YouTube when I was going to school for photography and I was happy to come across his podcast the other day. His topics are usually based around entrepreneurship and creativity and even when they aren’t they are usually pretty motivational. 

That Creative Life

That Creative Life is hosted by Youtuber Sara Dietschy. I came across Sara when she was part of the Adobe Creative Residency program. Her podcast is everything from tech, entrepreneurship, creativity and everything in between. 

If you have any suggestions for some good podcasts please let me know!!

The Monday Creative

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