Students Photos

Student Photos - The Monday Creative

Recently I have been teaching photography to a student and we took a lot of pictures together (500 or so), most of these ‘photoshoots’ were not planned and a result of a creative thought in my student. I am so very proud of all of these photos that she took so I wanted to show them to you guys! BTW if you need any tips on photography or have any questions feel free to contact me! Thats all for now bye! (my student wrote this by the way)

Kristie’s add ons to my amazing writing:

So my student (we will call her sunshine for the sake of this blog post) may have been joking when she wrote that first paragraph but I am pretty proud of the pictures she has taken. Sunshine and I have been going over how to use manual mode, the rules of composition, lens properties, studio lighting among other things. It has been good for me as well to go back over everything I was taught. It has been five years since I attended photography school and there are definitely things I had completely forgot about (grey cards, what are those again??). On the flip side it has also been good to remember that sometimes just getting out and snapping some photos is better than worrying about all the technical stuff.

As Sunshine said, we have taken a lot of photos over the last handful of months and one of the reasons I started this blog was to have a place to share my photography. I think it is a crime to have photos sit on a hard drive collecting dust so I asked Sunshine to pick some of her favourites to share. I hope you like them (and my face because there are a lot of my face…sorry)!

The Monday Creative

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