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A Paul Lake Date

A Paul Lake Date

Sometime all you need is a good friend who is willing to climb to the top of a hill and drink an entire bottle of sparkling apple juice with you while on a “date”…  Melody and I have climbed Gibraltar Rock at Paul …

Resin Coasters DIY

Resin Coasters DIY

Resin Coasters have popped up more than once while I’ve been scrolling through Pinterest and I love the look of them. On top of that, I love the finished look of resin and I love playing with alcohol inks so I thought I …

Turning Thirty

Turning Thirty - The Monday Creative

Well I’ve finally made it to the big three-0. I feel like there is some invisible line you cross when you turn thirty and you have to start acting like an adult, you can no longer blame things on being young and dumb. …


Currently - The Monday Creative

The old Currently posts are back! If any of you used to read my old blog you might remember these posts though with maybe slightly different prompts since I definitely can’t remember the old ones. That is what I get for not saving …

Be You

be you - The Monday Creative

NO ONE IS YOU AND THAT IS YOUR POWER I Love that quote especially when it comes to creativity. A while back I saw an argument between a couple of photographers, one was upset because they felt the other stole their photograph. It …

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

goodbye 2018 - The Monday Creative

It’s official, we said goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019. I am not completely sure where 2018 went and I am kind of okay with that. I am ready for a new year! Normally with a year end post like this I …

Three Planes and Two Buses Later

England - The Monday Creative

Three planes, two buses and (nearly) two weeks later…where did the time go??? Needless to say that I made it home from England.  Between the jet lag, being sick, and photos that needed editing this poor space on the internet has been neglected. …

England Day 3 – Tisbury

Tisbury, England - The Monday Creative

So I was a little tired last night by the time I got back to the B&B and I passed out before I could finish this. I had planned on finishing it while I was on the train earlier but the trains here …