blogmas Tag Archives

It’s 30Km Training Time

30 Training plan - The Monday Creative

It is that time of year again…time to start running. I am planning on doing the 30km at Whistler of all goes to plan, I was signed up for it last year and it got deferred so I am crossing my fingers it …

DIY Wood Trees

DIY Wood Trees - The Monday Creative

So I am not a huge fan of the traditional Christmas décor so I went scouring the internet for some other simple ideas. I came across these wood trees on Pinterest and loved the look of them.  While it is a pretty simple …

5 More Ways To Be Inspired

ways to be inspired - The Monday Creative

I thought I would follow up with my last post of ways to find some creativity and add five more things to the list… Folder of inspiration I mentioned in my last post like this about being inspired by others so this is …

Friday Five

Friday Five - The Monday Creative

Here we go with another random Friday Five… As I mentioned in a post last week I have new work up on Etsy! It is a slow process but I am getting everything up little by little and there is definitely more to …

Washi Tape Gift Tags

Gift tags are a great way to personalize a present. If you have been following me you know I make gift tags to sell in my Etsy shop. As much fun as it is to make these elaborate gift tags sometimes you need …

DIY Table Runner

DIY Table Runner - The Monday Creative

Doing up a fancy table for special occasions is always fun. Last year for our little “friendsgiving” I decided that the table needed a runner but I didn’t want to go out and buy one for just one day so I decided to …

DIY Gold Leaf Ornaments

DIY Christmas Ornaments - The Monday Creative

Alright it is time to get a little Christmassy again…. These DIY ornaments are so much fun to make! Super simple and quick, and look so pretty when they are done. Supplies Clear Ornament Paint Gold Leaf Adhesive (for the gold leaf) Varnish …

Pop-up Shops and Etsy

Etsy - The Monday Creative

So for the past month or so I have been making art for a pop-up store. It was a super cool experience having my work in a store for the past week. I have never prepped that much stuff all at once before, …

DIY Christmas Wrapping Paper

DIY Christmas Wrapping Paper - The Monday Creative

DIY wrapping paper is one of my favourite things. I can’t remember the last time I actually bought any sort of gift-wrap aside from ribbon. So with that in mind I thought I would share some simple DIY Christmas wrapping paper ideas. I …