inktober Tag Archives

Creatober 2023

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We are back to October and you know what that means…Creatober is back! If you are ready to start painting, drawing, collaging, or whatever strikes your fancy for 31 days straight then you are in the right place. I have been pretty quiet …


Inktober - The Monday Creative

It is that time of year again…. Every year on October 1st artists of every kind of medium start their inktober. Now if you’ve never hear of it before this is just a challenge where you create a piece of art every day …

Inktober Prompts

Inktober Prompts Header - The Monday Creative

If you are an artist you are probably familiar with the term inktober but for those of you who aren’t, it a challenge for artists to create an ink drawing every day through the month of October.  If you have been reading my …