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It’s 30Km Training Time

30 Training plan - The Monday Creative

It is that time of year again…time to start running. I am planning on doing the 30km at Whistler of all goes to plan, I was signed up for it last year and it got deferred so I am crossing my fingers it …

DIY Wood Trees

DIY Wood Trees - The Monday Creative

So I am not a huge fan of the traditional Christmas décor so I went scouring the internet for some other simple ideas. I came across these wood trees on Pinterest and loved the look of them.  While it is a pretty simple …

5 More Ways To Be Inspired

ways to be inspired - The Monday Creative

I thought I would follow up with my last post of ways to find some creativity and add five more things to the list… Folder of inspiration I mentioned in my last post like this about being inspired by others so this is …

Friday Five

Friday Five - The Monday Creative

Here we go with another random Friday Five… As I mentioned in a post last week I have new work up on Etsy! It is a slow process but I am getting everything up little by little and there is definitely more to …

Pop-up Shops and Etsy

Etsy - The Monday Creative

So for the past month or so I have been making art for a pop-up store. It was a super cool experience having my work in a store for the past week. I have never prepped that much stuff all at once before, …

DIY Christmas Wrapping Paper

DIY Christmas Wrapping Paper - The Monday Creative

DIY wrapping paper is one of my favourite things. I can’t remember the last time I actually bought any sort of gift-wrap aside from ribbon. So with that in mind I thought I would share some simple DIY Christmas wrapping paper ideas. I …

Lets Talk About Podcasts…

Podcasts - The Monday Creative

Lets talk about podcasts for a minute… I was never much in to podcasts until the other week; I went for a walk and didn’t feel like listening to music but still wanted to have something playing in my headphones and now I …

Friday Five

Friday Five - The Monday Creative

It is Friday everyone!!! Possibly the most loved day of the week. I thought I would share 5 things that are a mix of things I have loved, made me laugh or is just a little random life update… So without further ado, …

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall - The Monday Creative

Well it is that time of year again where I listen to Keith Urban’s “Till Summer Comes Around” and shed a few tears… I am (mostly) joking though I am most definitely sad summer is gone. Before we get all in to the …