photo blog Tag Archives

The Rules of Composition

Rules of Composition - The Monday Creative

It has been a while since I have talked about photography on here so I thought I would jump back in to it for this post.  In photography you are taught that there are different rules to composing an image, different things to …

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall - The Monday Creative

Well it is that time of year again where I listen to Keith Urban’s “Till Summer Comes Around” and shed a few tears… I am (mostly) joking though I am most definitely sad summer is gone. Before we get all in to the …

Lens Properties

Lens Properties - The Monday Creative

One big thing I learned in photography school is that a lens makes a picture more than the camera does. Different lenses will give you different looks, certain lenses work better in certain situations. You have macro lenses for those super close up …

How To Use Manual Mode

Using manual mode - The Monday Creative

Using manual mode on your camera can seem a bit daunting at first. I used to give up because it seemed a lot simpler to put the camera on auto and call it a day. I didn’t have to worry about ruining all …

Photography Gear Must Haves

Photography Gear Must Haves

When I went to photography school we were given a pretty big gear list of things we had to have. The list was full of everything from tripods and grey cards to lenses and cameras. Over the last six years I have found …

A Paul Lake Date

A Paul Lake Date

Sometime all you need is a good friend who is willing to climb to the top of a hill and drink an entire bottle of sparkling apple juice with you while on a “date”…  Melody and I have climbed Gibraltar Rock at Paul …

England Day 1 – London

London, England - The Monday Creative

There is only one word to describe London and that is overwhelming. Take the usual hustle and bustle of a city and times it by a thousand, add in people smoking everywhere, an obscene amount of tourists, cars that don’t stop for pedestrians …