Three Planes and Two Buses Later

England - The Monday Creative

Three planes, two buses and (nearly) two weeks later…where did the time go??? Needless to say that I made it home from England. 

Between the jet lag, being sick, and photos that needed editing this poor space on the internet has been neglected. It is weird coming home from a quick trip half way around the world. There is a part of me that is excited to sleep in my own bed and yet I want to stay, take more photos and explore more. 

Getting home was an interesting journey starting in Brighton. I caught the bus from Brighton to Heathrow airport and from there the Hoppa bus to my hotel near the airport. The next morning I caught the Hoppa bus back to the airport and flew from Heathrow to Calgary, Calgary to Vancouver, Vancouver to Kelowna and then was bussed from Kelowna to Kamloops. Between trying to find the Hoppa bus at Heathrow, computers not working for checking in to flights, and not being able to land in Kamloops, it was one very long trip home but I finally fell in to bed around 1am (9am England time) 26 hours after rolling myself out of bed at the Holiday Inn in England.

My favourite thing about England would have to be the architecture, all the old buildings are incredible. I had seen pictures but I suppose I had never paid attention to how old everything is until I saw it in person. That kind of history is not something you can find in little ol’ Kamloops.

I mentioned it in an earlier post but getting to see things in person that I have only ever seen in photos before is one of the best parts of travelling in my mind. Sometimes there is disappointment, there is a build up and then you finally see it and it isn’t as amazing as you imagined. So you snap a couple of photos and walk away with the knowledge that you’ve seen it and once was enough. Other times the excitement stays, and you can only do your best to get a photo that captures that moment that way you are seeing it. Either way nothing beats that moment when you finally get to see something with your own two eyes after only seeing it in photos. 

Travel Quote - The Monday Creative

I found that quote on my computer while I was cleaning up photos and it seemed fitting for this post. Home will always be home, but I love going to a new place and taking photos. What is your favourite part about travelling? Check out my last England post. P.S. All the photos in this post were taken on my phone (* just a little note, I couldn’t find the original quote that I had posted so I found this other one instead, maybe it’s the same one, maybe it is different, I have no idea, but I hope you enjoy it all the same!)

Check out day 4 in England here

Check out my first day in England here

The Monday Creative

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