Turning Twenty-Nine

Turning Twenty-Nine - The Monday Creative

This is it, my last 365 days of being a twenty-something, the last 52 weeks, 8670 hours…okay you get the point. I still haven’t quite got my head wrapped around the fact that this is my last year in my twenties, not that it is a bad thing, it is just a bit of a weird thought.

Twenty-nine marks ten years for a few big things for me. It is ten years since I quit my first job and ten years since I went to Australia to name a couple.

I wish I could say I am doing something amazing this year, some big trip or something but so far the most exciting thing that is happening is running my first half-marathon. You never know what a year could bring though.

So here is to one last year as a twenty-something and all the adventures the year will bring!

The Monday Creative