
Inktober - The Monday Creative

It is that time of year again…. Every year on October 1st artists of every kind of medium start their inktober. Now if you’ve never hear of it before this is just a challenge where you create a piece of art every day in October using prompts. I think it was started by an artist whose medium was ink hence the name “inktober” but for the sake of including every kind of medium whether that is painting, digital, photography, writing or anything in-between I decided to call it createtober…it may not flow quite the same but we are going with it. 

As with any other art prompts you can take them literally or figuratively…or throw them out all together. The idea of a prompt is just to jog your imagination, you can take it however you want, use whatever medium you want, even if that changes from one day to the next. 

One tip I would give is maybe go out and get yourself a smaller sketchbook. With smaller pages you have less space to fill and therefore, hopefully, it will be less time consuming. I don’t know about you but with working full time having hours to make art is just not a thing so anything I can complete in less amount of time I am all for. 

If you would like to check out last years prompts you can find them here

To print out a copy of the prompts click here

Inktober - The Monday Creative

Let me know if you follow alone, I would love to see what you come up with!

The Monday Creative

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