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Lets Talk About Podcasts…

Podcasts - The Monday Creative

Lets talk about podcasts for a minute… I was never much in to podcasts until the other week; I went for a walk and didn’t feel like listening to music but still wanted to have something playing in my headphones and now I …

Friday Five

Friday Five - The Monday Creative

It is Friday everyone!!! Possibly the most loved day of the week. I thought I would share 5 things that are a mix of things I have loved, made me laugh or is just a little random life update… So without further ado, …

Alcohol Ink Glass Vase Tutorial

Alcohol Ink Glass Vase - The Monday Creative

I love working with alcohol inks. I feel like you can use them in so many different ways, they dry fast and best of all, you can go back and adjust your work even after it is dry (depending on the surface you …

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall - The Monday Creative

Well it is that time of year again where I listen to Keith Urban’s “Till Summer Comes Around” and shed a few tears… I am (mostly) joking though I am most definitely sad summer is gone. Before we get all in to the …

DIY Wrapping Paper

DIY Wrapping Paper - The Monday Creative

Making wrapping paper has become one of my favourite things to do. Not only is it easier than going out and buying gift bags or wrapping everyone’s presents in the same paper because a roll lasts FOREVER, you can create wrapping paper that …

Tea Talks

Tea Talks - The Monday Creative

I love a good cup of tea…. Most mornings (when I don’t have to work or be out the door first thing) I roll myself out of bed and in to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Then I sit there, not …

Believe In The Impossible

Believe In The Impossible - The Monday Creative

Sometimes you have to believe in the impossible even if everyone around you thinks you are crazy. Dreams come and go. Some big, some small. Some are what gets you out of bed in the morning. I think the hardest thing with dreams …

For The Creative

For the Creative - The Monday Creative

Creativity is weird, sometimes it just seems to come so easy, and you can create forever. Sometimes inspiration and creativity just come naturally. Sometimes though it’s feels like there is no creativity left and we need a little push to keep going. Sometimes …

Life Lately

Life Lately - The Monday Creative

Who else agrees that this past month has been one strange month? It is the weekend that has lasted forever. I just got the news the other day that I will be going back to work in three weeks and as much as …