Tea Talks

Tea Talks - The Monday Creative

I love a good cup of tea….

Most mornings (when I don’t have to work or be out the door first thing) I roll myself out of bed and in to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Then I sit there, not always fully awake, and stare off in to space, scroll through my phone, and basically just let my mind wander. It is kind of my favourite time of day. 

There are also those moments when you sit down with a friend and catch up on life over a cup of tea…

So the random thoughts, a quote found on Pinterest, catching up on life and other such things, this all leads to tea talks. So after all that rambling we are going to call this post Tea Talks. This is me catching you up on all the things happening in my little world so here goes…

1. I think the last time I posted an update I was still waiting to hear about my last race. Needless to say it was cancelled, not much of a surprise but was still a bit of a disappointment. So I will be running all three of my races next summer instead and in place of them I decided to do the SeaWheeze virtual half marathon this year. I was too nervous to not do anything this year and then have to run a full marathon plus two other races next year so I figured doing a virtual race would be the best thing to keep me going. I have been taking it pretty easy with the running since I am not worried about time or anything. If I have to walk, I will walk it!

2. I found this bread recipe on Pinterest and have made it a few times, I highly recommend it…soooo good! You can find the recipe on mycookingspot.com

Tea Talks - The Monday Creative

3. This just made me laugh…

Tea Talks - The Monday Creative

4. It always amazes me how fast things can change. One minute everything is normal and the next everything has changed. That is what it has felt like lately. One minute I was going to work and life was normal and the next everything was getting cancelled, then it was back to work…and then work was cancelled again. I can’t keep up but hopefully in next week everything will be back to normal (whatever normal is these days) for good!

5. Since this post was brought on by tea share with me your favourite kinds, I’m always looking for new ones to try. I love Twining’s Pomegranate Raspberry!

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful sunny day!

The Monday Creative

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