March Monthly Archives

Turning Thirty

Turning Thirty - The Monday Creative

Well I’ve finally made it to the big three-0. I feel like there is some invisible line you cross when you turn thirty and you have to start acting like an adult, you can no longer blame things on being young and dumb. …

Alcohol Ink Art

Alcohol Ink Art - The Monday Creative

Alcohol Ink art has quickly become one of my favourite mediums.  I had seen some alcohol ink art on social media but didn’t pay too much attention until my mom pointed it out to me. The more I saw the more curious I got …

Students Photos

Student Photos - The Monday Creative

Recently I have been teaching photography to a student and we took a lot of pictures together (500 or so), most of these ‘photoshoots’ were not planned and a result of a creative thought in my student. I am so very proud of …