artist Tag Archives


Inktober - The Monday Creative

It is that time of year again…. Every year on October 1st artists of every kind of medium start their inktober. Now if you’ve never hear of it before this is just a challenge where you create a piece of art every day …


Etsy Shop - The Monday Creative

The problem with being an artist is that you end up with art EVERYWHERE. I have a bin full of art that I have made and no where to put it so I thought I would open an Etsy shop. You can find …

For The Creative

For the Creative - The Monday Creative

Creativity is weird, sometimes it just seems to come so easy, and you can create forever. Sometimes inspiration and creativity just come naturally. Sometimes though it’s feels like there is no creativity left and we need a little push to keep going. Sometimes …

Resin Coasters DIY

Resin Coasters DIY

Resin Coasters have popped up more than once while I’ve been scrolling through Pinterest and I love the look of them. On top of that, I love the finished look of resin and I love playing with alcohol inks so I thought I …

Alcohol Ink Art

Alcohol Ink Art - The Monday Creative

Alcohol Ink art has quickly become one of my favourite mediums.  I had seen some alcohol ink art on social media but didn’t pay too much attention until my mom pointed it out to me. The more I saw the more curious I got …