Creativity Category Archives

5 More Ways To Be Inspired

ways to be inspired - The Monday Creative

I thought I would follow up with my last post of ways to find some creativity and add five more things to the list… Folder of inspiration I mentioned in my last post like this about being inspired by others so this is …

Washi Tape Gift Tags

Gift tags are a great way to personalize a present. If you have been following me you know I make gift tags to sell in my Etsy shop. As much fun as it is to make these elaborate gift tags sometimes you need …

Start Copying.

start copying - the Monday creative

I saw the image below on Pinterest one day when I was scrolling through and it caught my eye so thought I would share it. It kind of goes along with a post that I wrote a while ago so I don’t want …

Pop-up Shops and Etsy

Etsy - The Monday Creative

So for the past month or so I have been making art for a pop-up store. It was a super cool experience having my work in a store for the past week. I have never prepped that much stuff all at once before, …

DIY Christmas Wrapping Paper

DIY Christmas Wrapping Paper - The Monday Creative

DIY wrapping paper is one of my favourite things. I can’t remember the last time I actually bought any sort of gift-wrap aside from ribbon. So with that in mind I thought I would share some simple DIY Christmas wrapping paper ideas. I …

Lets Talk About Podcasts…

Podcasts - The Monday Creative

Lets talk about podcasts for a minute… I was never much in to podcasts until the other week; I went for a walk and didn’t feel like listening to music but still wanted to have something playing in my headphones and now I …

Alcohol Ink Glass Vase Tutorial

Alcohol Ink Glass Vase - The Monday Creative

I love working with alcohol inks. I feel like you can use them in so many different ways, they dry fast and best of all, you can go back and adjust your work even after it is dry (depending on the surface you …

Inktober Prompts

Inktober Prompts Header - The Monday Creative

If you are an artist you are probably familiar with the term inktober but for those of you who aren’t, it a challenge for artists to create an ink drawing every day through the month of October.  If you have been reading my …

5 Way To Find Some Creativity

5 ways to find some creativity - The Monday Creative

Raise your hand if you’ve ever sat and stared at a blank page or blank canvas, or whatever the case may be, not knowing where to start. One of those moments where you feel like you have no creativity left. Whether it be …