Inktober Prompts

Inktober Prompts Header - The Monday Creative

If you are an artist you are probably familiar with the term inktober but for those of you who aren’t, it a challenge for artists to create an ink drawing every day through the month of October. 

If you have been reading my blog for a while you’ll know that, as much as I love to paint and whatnot, I can’t draw whatsoever. I am hopeless at it and so the idea of an ink drawing challenge isn’t going to go very well for me.

I love the idea of an art challenge though; it gives you a reason to create when you may otherwise be unmotivated. So I know this is supposed to be an ink drawing challenge but I thought I would just turn it in to an art challenge and forget the drawing part. Use whatever means you have to do the challenge, make collages, paint, write, photograph, literally anything. There are no rules in this challenge other then to try and create as often as possible using the prompts below.

Between working and life in general though it is hard to keep up with a daily challenge so I figure make a schedule that works for you whether that is once a week, a couple times a week or you go for the full daily challenge. 

As I mention in the visual journal prompts posts, you can take the prompts however you like. There is no right or wrong, just have fun with it!

Inktober Prompt List - The Monday Creative

Click on the link below to download your own copy of the prompt list for printing…

Check out the prompt list for 2021 here .

The Monday Creative

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