Doing up a fancy table for special occasions is always fun. Last year for our little “friendsgiving” I decided that the table needed a runner but I didn’t want to go out and buy one for just one day so I decided to make my own. I didn’t have a ton of time to create some elaborate table runner so I grabbed the Kraft paper and a paint pen and got to drawing.
This literally the simplest thing you can ever make, it costs next to nothing and it looks awesome!
- Paper
- Paint Pen
Kraft paper is the best thing ever; I use it far too often so I keep a roll around. For the pen I bought a Sharpie paint pen but you could use whatever you can find, I am sure even a felt would work.
When I measured out the paper I went a little longer than I needed to be on the safe side. My table isn’t super big so I ended up folding the paper in half to get the look I wanted. I decided to draw leaves for the design because it was fall but you could do anything to wanted to fit in with your theme, hearts for Valentines Day, polka dots could go for any occasion or balloons for a birthday just to name a few.
Once I was drawing the leaves I double checked the length again and then cut a V shape in either side. That’s it, easy peasy, you now have a fancy new table runner to dress up your table

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