Friday Five

The Monday Creative

Long time no blog! I am pretty sure I have been writing this blog post for a month. Just one sentence at a time before switching to something else and needless to say, it has been a while since I have been on here. With that said I thought it would be good to start with a Friday Five…a little mini update on life.

1.I MOVED! I live in what I like to refer to as my little attic and I love it. It is a tiny little place but it is close enough to be able to walk to a grocery store and parks and the best part of all…it is so quiet!! Pictures to come soon so you can get a little peek in to where I am living.

2.There are some new mugs up on Etsy. I feel like moving kind of threw me out of my routine so the painting (and blogging obviously) has been slow going but I am finally getting back in to it so there is more to come. Feel free to check them out and let me know what your favourite colour combinations are!

Alcohol Ink Coffee Mug - The Monday Creative

3. Raspberry banana bars. I have been making these fairly often lately so I had to share the recipe; it is my go to for early mornings when I don’t have time for breakfast. Super easy and pretty quick to put together and makes for a great substitute for a granola bar.

Raspberry Banana bars - The Monday Creative

4. Since I apparently have no ability to focus anymore I have been loving tracing in my sketchbook. Tracing is a way to make art still but it takes a lot of the thought out of what art to make. I just find a simple image I like, print it out and trace away. I am also hoping it will improve my very weak drawing abilities…one can dream anyways! Highly recommend giving it a shot if you are feeling uninspired or just want to create art but don’t know what to do. If you don’t have a lightbox to trace on you can always use your phone!

5. Lastly the story of the day… I am terrified of anything that moves whether that be a spider, worm, fly or anything in between. So this morning I was laying on my foam roller (one of the greatest inventions) minding my own business when a giant beetle walks by, so in all my wisdom (and panic) I grabbed the nearest weapon which happened to be my vacuum…now there is a very alive beetle inside my vacuum. My vacuum happens to be see-through so I can see the thing walking around. Needless to say I don’t think my place is going to be vacuumed for a while…. please send help…and maybe a man who doesn’t mind killing bugs for me.

Well that at least sums up a few things from the past few months, more to come!

The Monday Creative

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