It’s 30Km Training Time

30 Training plan - The Monday Creative

It is that time of year again…time to start running. I am planning on doing the 30km at Whistler of all goes to plan, I was signed up for it last year and it got deferred so I am crossing my fingers it will go on as planned. I am also hoping I can find a marathon to do as well though I am holding off on that till I know races are able to go ahead this next year since I’d rather not have any more races that get deferred.

So all that being said I am focusing on the 30k for the time being and training starts December 27th! The start of training is always a little bittersweet because I love running and I love the routine but I also know that twenty weeks from now I am going to be pretty tuckered out and wondering why I thought running 30k was a good idea…

Despite the impending tiredness and constant feeling of needing to eat, I am looking forward to getting back in to training even more so than other years this time around. I always find it hard to get outside in the winter and this year is definitely no exception, training gives me a reason to get out and get some exercise.   

30km Training Plan - The Monday Creative

If you have seen my training plans before you’ll know that I pretty much just stick to yoga and running with a free day for biking or hiking or whatever else I feel like doing. This year I am switching it up a little bit. I don’t enjoy running in the snow and cold so I decided to start my training with an eight plan created by Sarah’s Day. For the first two weeks all I do is the workouts from her plan and then after that I slowly build the amount of days I am running. After the eight weeks is over the plan is to go back to what I usually do with just running and yoga with maybe one Sarah’s Day workout thrown in.

As always my plans are never set in stone, if it is too cold to be outside I will do an at home workout. As the days get nicer I will probably choose to go for a bike ride over an at home workout. On top of everything else my work schedule is super all over the place so I usually end up looking at my week and deciding which days work better for which workouts and go from there. The only thing I try to avoid is running multiple days in a row. 

To me the most important thing has always been to get in my long runs and doing enough cross training that my knees don’t get sore.  Other then that it’s fair game and I just try to have fun with it. 

If you want to follow along with my plan you can download it here

Or if you prefer a more couch to half marathon plan you can go check out the training plan from my first race here

The Monday Creative

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