Turning Twenty-Nine

Turning Twenty-Nine - The Monday Creative

This is it, my last 365 days of being a twenty-something, the last 52 weeks, 8670 hours…okay you get the point. I still haven’t quite got my head wrapped around the fact that this is my last year in my twenties, not that …

Summer Magazine

Summer Magazine - The Monday Creative

Every summer has a story and this magazine is full of mine. It was the summer of adventure, with hiking trips and quick road trips I always had my camera in hand. I love photography but it had become more a chore than anything …

Three Planes and Two Buses Later

England - The Monday Creative

Three planes, two buses and (nearly) two weeks later…where did the time go??? Needless to say that I made it home from England.  Between the jet lag, being sick, and photos that needed editing this poor space on the internet has been neglected. …

England Day 5 – Brighton

Brighton, England - The Monday Creative

*It would seem that my day 5 in England post is gone for good. For some reason it must not have exported from the old website with the rest so I am going on my rusty memory for this post. Day 5 was …

England Day 4 – Brighton

Brighton, England - The Monday Creative

Today was another travel day but before I headed to the train station I grabbed some photos of where I spent the last two nights. Like I mentioned in the last post I stayed at the Burcombe Manor, which is possibly the coolest …