blog Tag Archives

A Few Favourite Christmas Songs

Favourite Christmas Songs - The Monday Creative

Is it too early for Christmas music still?? I thought about doing a “blogmas” type thing this year but if I am being honest I am not sure I would be able to keep up with it. For those of you who don’t …

Inktober Prompts

Inktober Prompts Header - The Monday Creative

If you are an artist you are probably familiar with the term inktober but for those of you who aren’t, it a challenge for artists to create an ink drawing every day through the month of October.  If you have been reading my …

5 Way To Find Some Creativity

5 ways to find some creativity - The Monday Creative

Raise your hand if you’ve ever sat and stared at a blank page or blank canvas, or whatever the case may be, not knowing where to start. One of those moments where you feel like you have no creativity left. Whether it be …

Photography Gear Must Haves

Photography Gear Must Haves

When I went to photography school we were given a pretty big gear list of things we had to have. The list was full of everything from tripods and grey cards to lenses and cameras. Over the last six years I have found …

15 Visual Journal Prompts

Visual Journal Prompts - The Monday Creative

I had never heard of a visual journal till photography school. One of the first things we did in composition and design class was crack open our journals and write out three goals and I am pretty sure I was hooked from that …


Currently - The Monday Creative

The old Currently posts are back! If any of you used to read my old blog you might remember these posts though with maybe slightly different prompts since I definitely can’t remember the old ones. That is what I get for not saving …

Be You

be you - The Monday Creative

NO ONE IS YOU AND THAT IS YOUR POWER I Love that quote especially when it comes to creativity. A while back I saw an argument between a couple of photographers, one was upset because they felt the other stole their photograph. It …