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Inktober - The Monday Creative

It is that time of year again…. Every year on October 1st artists of every kind of medium start their inktober. Now if you’ve never hear of it before this is just a challenge where you create a piece of art every day …

5 Way To Find Some Creativity

5 ways to find some creativity - The Monday Creative

Raise your hand if you’ve ever sat and stared at a blank page or blank canvas, or whatever the case may be, not knowing where to start. One of those moments where you feel like you have no creativity left. Whether it be …

6 Watercolour Techniques

watercolour techniques - The Monday Creative

I tend to use watercolours the most for backgrounds on cards and gift tags and am always trying to find new techniques to pretty them up. While I could just put some paint on the paper, blend it together and call it a …