Today was another travel day but before I headed to the train station I grabbed some photos of where I spent the last two nights. Like I mentioned in the last post I stayed at the Burcombe Manor, which is possibly the coolest place I have ever stayed since it looks like a mini castle. If you ever have a reason to be in the Salisbury area then it’s a good place to stay!
(click on the images below to see them full size)
I went from Salisbury to Brighton on one very busy train. I spent the first part of the 2.5 hour train ride standing because it was so full. I finally managed to get a seat and the train cleared out a little part way through the trip, until we got to Hove station, which is the one right before Brighton, and all off a sudden we filled up again. Thankfully it is only a 5 minute ride between those two stations.

Getting off the train at Brighton was pretty crazy. Apparently there were about 300,000 people in the city for the pride festival that I had only learned about the night before. Needless to say Brighton was pretty over run with people. I managed to navigate my way through the people, out of the train station and down the street towards my B&B. Part way there I started feeling a little lost, the streets are not super well marked in my mind and half the time I had no idea what road I was walking down. I knew the general direction I had to go, thanks to google maps, so I just kept walking. I finally popped out where I needed to be completely by chance. Once I got checked in I walked up to a grocery store to get some food and then headed down to the beach to eat.
I can never get enough of the ocean. I don’t know if it’s because I grew up in a river city or what, but I love it. I could spend my entire time in Brighton sitting on their rocky beach and be completely happy.
(click on the photos below to make them full size)
After fighting the ridiculous amount of people traffic to walk down to the pier, and then walking back up to the shops only to find out they were all closed until the next morning, I decided to head back to the B&B and crash for the night. After all the bacon and eggs I have been served for breakfast while I’ve been here I am very much looking forward to my porridge and fruit I am supposed to get tomorrow morning! (yes I am willingly going for porridge over bacon…weird I know…it won’t last I’m sure)
Check out day 3 in England here
Check out my last day in England here