My Little Attic

My Little Attic - The Monday Creative

So to state the obvious blog posts have been pretty hit and miss on here the last few months…okay more than a few but whatever…and it all started with moving way back in March. I think moving kind of got me out of routine and that combined with no internet it has taken a while to get back to the blog. With that said I thought I would show you what I like to refer to as my little attic.  

I love my little home, it may be tiny with a hobbit size bathroom but it is perfect for what I need. I live above a business so it is super quiet in the evenings and on the weekend plus I live within walking distance to a grocery store and multiple parks so that is a bonus. What more can a woman ask for? (Well maybe a bathtub but that’s besides the point) Moving things in was pretty interesting with my very steep and super narrow stairs, needless to say my couch did not make it up those stairs.

Plus something I have never had in any of the places I have lived is a yard and while it may be tiny I have a little outdoor area all to myself! I was even able to grow some strawberries this past summer which was pretty delicious. 

I think my favourite part is the shelves in the kitchen for my jars, I always like the idea of having jars on display. Also I LOVE that my desk is no longer in my bedroom, I can sit out in the living room now when I am painting or whatever else!

Another addition to the attic is the CAT…or kitten to be exact. Her name is Shadow and she is a little crazy. She makes it a little difficult to get anything accomplished but we still have fun together in our tiny home. Since my place is so small I have been (trying to) leash training her so that she can get outside and run around a bit. Walks tend to be her climbing every tree we come across but it is still pretty fun.

Bengal Cat - The Monday Creative

So my little attic is still a work in progress, the walls are slanted in the living room so decorating is a bit interesting, and storage is definitely not a thing I have so that is something I am still figuring out but I am loving where I am living. 

If anyone has some storage tips for small places please let me know, I will take all the suggestions I can get!

The Monday Creative

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