art Tag Archives

Creatober 2023

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We are back to October and you know what that means…Creatober is back! If you are ready to start painting, drawing, collaging, or whatever strikes your fancy for 31 days straight then you are in the right place. I have been pretty quiet …

Brea Reese Watercolour Creams

Brea Reese Watercolor Creams

I was wandering through the art aisle in Walmart the other day and came across the Brea Reese watercolour creams. They are so bright and fun looking that they immediately caught my eye. I couldn’t resist.  It has been a really long time …

An Etsy Shop Update

The Etsy shop is slowly changing with addition of my Cricut stuff. As much as I love painting I am having so much fun creating with the Cricut. With the new Cricut means new listings in the Etsy shop so…. Here are a …

DIY Clay Gift Tags

DIY Clay Gift Tags - The Monday Creative

I am sure I have mentioned it before but wrapping presents is one of my favourite things to do. I like finding unique ways to decorate the paper or add a little extra touch to the gift. That leads me to todays DIY….clay …

Pop-up Shops and Etsy

Etsy - The Monday Creative

So for the past month or so I have been making art for a pop-up store. It was a super cool experience having my work in a store for the past week. I have never prepped that much stuff all at once before, …

The Rules of Composition

Rules of Composition - The Monday Creative

It has been a while since I have talked about photography on here so I thought I would jump back in to it for this post.  In photography you are taught that there are different rules to composing an image, different things to …

Alcohol Ink Glass Vase Tutorial

Alcohol Ink Glass Vase - The Monday Creative

I love working with alcohol inks. I feel like you can use them in so many different ways, they dry fast and best of all, you can go back and adjust your work even after it is dry (depending on the surface you …

DIY Wrapping Paper

DIY Wrapping Paper - The Monday Creative

Making wrapping paper has become one of my favourite things to do. Not only is it easier than going out and buying gift bags or wrapping everyone’s presents in the same paper because a roll lasts FOREVER, you can create wrapping paper that …


Etsy Shop - The Monday Creative

The problem with being an artist is that you end up with art EVERYWHERE. I have a bin full of art that I have made and no where to put it so I thought I would open an Etsy shop. You can find …

6 Watercolour Techniques

watercolour techniques - The Monday Creative

I tend to use watercolours the most for backgrounds on cards and gift tags and am always trying to find new techniques to pretty them up. While I could just put some paint on the paper, blend it together and call it a …