creativity Tag Archives

Lets Talk About Podcasts…

Podcasts - The Monday Creative

Lets talk about podcasts for a minute… I was never much in to podcasts until the other week; I went for a walk and didn’t feel like listening to music but still wanted to have something playing in my headphones and now I …

Inktober Prompts

Inktober Prompts Header - The Monday Creative

If you are an artist you are probably familiar with the term inktober but for those of you who aren’t, it a challenge for artists to create an ink drawing every day through the month of October.  If you have been reading my …

5 Way To Find Some Creativity

5 ways to find some creativity - The Monday Creative

Raise your hand if you’ve ever sat and stared at a blank page or blank canvas, or whatever the case may be, not knowing where to start. One of those moments where you feel like you have no creativity left. Whether it be …

DIY Wrapping Paper

DIY Wrapping Paper - The Monday Creative

Making wrapping paper has become one of my favourite things to do. Not only is it easier than going out and buying gift bags or wrapping everyone’s presents in the same paper because a roll lasts FOREVER, you can create wrapping paper that …

Believe In The Impossible

Believe In The Impossible - The Monday Creative

Sometimes you have to believe in the impossible even if everyone around you thinks you are crazy. Dreams come and go. Some big, some small. Some are what gets you out of bed in the morning. I think the hardest thing with dreams …


Etsy Shop - The Monday Creative

The problem with being an artist is that you end up with art EVERYWHERE. I have a bin full of art that I have made and no where to put it so I thought I would open an Etsy shop. You can find …

6 Watercolour Techniques

watercolour techniques - The Monday Creative

I tend to use watercolours the most for backgrounds on cards and gift tags and am always trying to find new techniques to pretty them up. While I could just put some paint on the paper, blend it together and call it a …

For The Creative

For the Creative - The Monday Creative

Creativity is weird, sometimes it just seems to come so easy, and you can create forever. Sometimes inspiration and creativity just come naturally. Sometimes though it’s feels like there is no creativity left and we need a little push to keep going. Sometimes …